Wednesday 12 May 2010

on freedom

the page lies before me
as blank as the day ahead
and my mind wonders
at the confines of a life
shrunk to fit the blankness
of an empty page
small marks fill the page
as small actions fill my day
and wandering
through the corridors of the past
I marvel at the magnitude
of tasks accomplished
and journeying done
and returning
the smallness of todays labours
and journeying undone
and I am heartsick
for the pleasures of past freedom
and the rolling wheels
that were my key to freedoms door
and yet as my mind rolls on
I begin to wonder at the freedom
gifted by enforced captivity
to follow my winding thoughts
down into the silent byways of the past
and painfully explore
the labyrinthine depth of memory's store
for maybe there
in quiet thrall
the past will loosen its thoughtless hold
and this motionless journey
prove more freeing still
than all the rolling journeys of the past
and journeys end
be found in mind unfurled

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