Monday 28 June 2010

the view from my window

and the view
from my window
seems smaller now
as the leaves of summer
add warmly textured colour
to the bare branches of cold winter
and the welcome sun shining brightly
and the blue sky so clear and heavenly
I feast my eyes on the days all a-changing
and look out in wonder as the world transforms

and the view
from my window
seems smaller now
as the summering breeze
stirs the world in passing
and a-moving and a-bowing
the trees pay their daily homage
and the dust of yesterday is shaken
from leaves and branches all a-waving
and change is slow beneath the hot morning sun

and the view
from my window
seems smaller now
as framed by the curtains
the seasons keep on turning
and inaction stilling my once busy life
the world outside still rushes by my window
and life without is measured by all that is passing
and life within is measured by all that you are changing
and watching the world without my life within transforms

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